Chinese Zodiacs


Chinese Zodiac animals have lucky meanings. It's believed that people born in a given year have the personality of that year’s animal. This book delves into the world of the twelve animal signs, exploring their unique personalities, lucky meanings, and rich cultural symbolism. From the spirited Rat to the majestic Dragon, and from the loyal Dog to the wise and enigmatic Snake, each animal represents a distinct set of traits, virtues, and fortunes. Whether exploring the cunning intelligence of the Rat, the noble leadership of the Ox, or the free–spirited nature of the Horse, this book explores the characteristics that define each sign.

Illustration: Nan Cao
Graphic Design, Typography, and Animation: Daniel Frumhoff

Contest Winner:
2024 Communication Arts: 65th Illustration Competition, Shortlist
2023 Communication Arts: 64th Illustration Competition, Winner
2023 Society of Illustrators, 66th Illustration Competition, Gold Medal
— Jury Selection: Surface/Product Design Category
— Exhibited at the Museum of Illustration


Creative Direction
Graphic Design
Publication Design
Postage Stamps


Typescapes: MFA Thesis Exhibition


The New School: Typographic Animations